Friday, October 16, 2009

The Blood Clots Have Returned

October 15 & 16, 2009

Yesterday my worst fears were realized. Exactly two years ago after returning from a trip to Italy,I got several blood clots in my lungs that did damage to my lungs. I had a filter put into my main vein to stop future clots from doing damage. I also was on blood thinner for 9 months. Since then I have gotten into the best shape of my life. After my 100 miler on Saturday, I had an easy 30 on Sunday. On Monday I ran on the treadmill. That is when I noticed a problem. Running at a 10 minute pace and 0 incline my heart rate went up to 140 bpm. Way to high for that pace. I biked easy on Tuesday and had a good ride on Wednesday. Thought I was OK. I ran again yesterday and pushed it. I knew I was in trouble.

Called the doctor and had a cat scan. Found two blood clots in my lungs. With a filter it is hard to figure out where they came from. Reality is I will now be on blood thinner the rest of my life. The problem with that is if you fall and have internal bleeding it will be life threatening. Do I stop biking and cut back my exercise. I don't think so.

I have a week now where I will not work out as the blood clots dissolve. I will have to decide what to do during the week. I have really enjoyed the biking and the challenge. It will be hard to stop. Will figure it out over the next week.

Life must go on.


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