Friday, July 23, 2010

Last Long Ride Completed

July 23, 2010

Day 21 - 123 miles

What a great feeling when I finished my ride today. It was the last long ride. Imagine, I have a ride of 65 miles on Sunday and I call that a short ride. A little crazy I think. Anyway today's ride went relatively well. I did 40 miles than met my friend Bruce, who has been really great by riding with me 4 times during the event. Today he rode with me for 50 miles. Whenever I ride with Bruce he pushes it for me. He tells me to ride my pace. If I do that I would be to far behind him. So I work and it feels good to push the pace. The weather was humid but there was a lot of cloud cover so we did no have to deal with the sun. After Bruce left I rode back home and did loops to finish the mileage I needed. I felt so good that there were some kids selling lemonade so I stopped bot a glass, had my cookies and then finished up.

My only problem today was that the saddle sores returned big time. Seating for the last 30 miles was challenging and a little painful. The good news is that there are only 2 days left and they are not that long. I can deal with it.

Total Distance: 123 miles
Total Time: 8 hours and 20 minutes
Total Elapsed Time: 9 hours


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