Friday, July 16, 2010

My Day In The Mountains

July 16, 2010

Day 14 - 130.8 miles

Yesterday I was afraid of today. It was another day of 130 miles. It was going to be in the high 90s and very humid and I had decided to ride my 110 mile course going west. I have not done that yet so to be honest I forgot how many hills were on the course. I did remember that with the day so hot I would need someone to meet me at about 50 miles with water and some food. Janice agreed to help me and I sure did need it. Thanks Janice.

The day started out at 5:15 am and I was lucky. There was a good cloud cover until about 8 am for me. Makes all the difference. Riding west it is about 10 degrees hotter than on the shore. As the sun broke thru the temperature began to rise. I really had to work this ride. In the first 30 miles there were several steep hills. Not to long but steep. Riding in the big gear I really worked hard. Pictured myself in the Alps just like the Tour riders are now doing. After 30 miles the roads flattened out till about 80 miles and then we had some more inclines and hills. Remember I am not comparing these to mountains, just hills. Also remember I am 64, it is 95 degrees and I am doing over 100 miles everyday. The surprising thing is I feel stronger each day and I am recovering each day. I must recommend an ice bath. They are great for the legs. All said an done, it was a good ride.

Tomorrow I am riding again with Bruce. I have to do 122 miles so I will try and get about 40 in before 8:30 and then ride as many as Bruce can handle and finish up on my way home. I am now in the home stretch. 4 more days than a rest day and than the last 4 days. The big question is: what will I do when this is finished?

Total Distance: 131 miles
Total Time: 9 hours and 15 minutes
Total Elapsed Time: 9 hours and 45 minutes


1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! Keep going, we are very proud of you!
