Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quick Ride

September 30, 2009

I got home form our short trip around 2. Did some work in my office and then I went out for a short ride. The weather is definitely changing and the cool of Autumn is here. Quick ride for an hour, about 16 miles, to get my legs back to pedalling. Plan on going for a longer ride tomorrow. With the colder mornings starting to come, I think I will ride mid day to take advantage of the higher temperatures during the day. I am lucky that my home based business allows me to be flexible with my hours.

Just bought some warm clothing for the rides outside and I plan to continue to ride outside as long as I can take the weather. Cold will not be a problem. The biggest problem for me will be the rain and wind.


Vacation Time

September 28 & 29, 2009

Monday was the first day in over a month I believe that I did no work out for the day. Was on a short vacation in Massachusetts and we traveled on Monday. It actually felt good not to do anything. Tuesday I got up really early and went out for a run. I hadn't run outside in a while and more specifically had not run hills outside in a long time. Today was an eye opener. On my way home I had to run up a hill that would have been an 8 on the treadmill. Really took my breath away. I am going to have to work harder on my days off the bike when I run.

Two days off the bike. I am looking forward to getting back to riding tomorrow


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Easy Does It

September 26 & 27, 2009

The last two days were easy ones. The next several will be without biking totally as I go on a 3 day vacation. Will attempt to run a couple of the days. Yesterday was an off day and I only ran 3 miles easy. No hill work and kept my heart rate under 140. Today I was going to bike outdoors but it was really raining hard and I decided to bike on my trainer. This will not be easy during the winter. Will have to really concentrate and either watch movies, sports events or do the Spinerval exercises to build my aerobic capacity and leg strength. It will be a fun challenge when I have to do 3 and 4 hours on the trainer.

These next three days should be my only time away from the bike for a prolong period over the next several months. Really want to use the next 6 weeks to get some good mileage in.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Wind is the Enemy

September 25, 2009

After doing 70 miles yesterday, I just wanted to go out for an hour and spin and see how I felt. When I headed north, I met what I believe will be my biggest challenge, the wind. It was blowing at about 15 to 20 miles an hour. I rode directly into it for about 5 miles. I felt like I was not going anywhere. If I had to do that for 50 miles.... I just don't want to think about it. I think I would rather go up hills than fight the wind.

My quads were a little sore but I felt good after the ride. Over the next week I will not be riding a lot. We are going on a short trip with friends on Monday and not coming back till late Wednesday. After two months of a lot of biking starting from scratch an easy week will be welcome. I will bring my running clothes with me so I will switch to pounding the pavement for a couple of days to keep my condition.

I am starting to lose some weight. My wife keeps telling me to make sure I eat that I am thin enough already. I can't wait till the Spring when I am doing several 100 miles plus rides a week. Then all I will be doing is eating. Exercising and eating. What can be better!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

70 Miles and Feeling Good!

September 24, 2009

Great day today. This late in the year you do not expect any sunny warm days, high in the 80s, on the East Coast. It was really beautiful. I went out for my ride later than usual because I wanted to take advantage of the warm weather.Left around 7:30. Had a banana before I left and took with me 3 GU Gels. As my rides increase in miles, I have to get in the habit of taking an energy boost every hour.

Rode north to Sandy Hook. The Hook is a 12 mile state park jutting into the ocean. I can ride two loops there. Either a 12 mile loop or a 5 mile loop. Hardly any cars. Real peaceful after the summer season and the people have left the beaches. It is 15 miles from my home. Today was a northwest wind that really helped me on my ride home. Had no problem sitting for the 4:15 hours the ride took. My only problem is each side of my lower back starts to hurt at different times. I stretch it out , suffer for a while, and then it goes away for 20 miles or so. As I strengthen my back I believe that it will not give me a problem.

I told my wife I burned 3700 calories today and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said that is 2 days worth of food. Funny when I start eating during the day, I can't eat a lot at one sitting. So I "graze" all during the day. What is going to happen when I start doing 100 miles a day, 3 & 4 days in a row during training?

Well, I feel great now. It is 7:30 pm. I will probably fall asleep early but the 70 mile ride was real satisfying. The more distance I do, the more I believe I can do this.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Stronger

September 23, 2009

Had a good ride this morning. Got a very early start and headed south. Wanted to do an easy 20 miles. My quads where tight from the run workout yesterday and the quad strength workout. Was kind of worried that the ride would be hard. I was really surprised at how easy it was on my legs. I wound up doing 25 miles and it was indeed an easy ride.

If all goes as planned tomorrow, I will try and do between 60 and 70 miles. The weather is supposed to be warm and I am planning the ride for later in the morning so I can eat before I go. Looking forward to the long ride.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Run

September 22, 2009

Today was an off day from the bike. I so look forward to these as it gives me a chance to run. Today I did an intense hill interval workout. Was able to get my heart rate to between 140 and 152 bpm during the workout. Ran a total of 5 miles and really enjoyed it. Back is a little tight from the run and my quads are sore from the leg lifts I did yesterday. But all in all, I am getting to where I want to be.

The next two weeks are going to be tough to keep up the mileage. Going on a mini vacation with friends from Israel so I will not have my bike for 3 days. Will try and run two of the days. I have been putting in the miles the last four weeks so an easy week would be welcomed. Suppose to rain tomorrow but I have to go out on an easy ride and on Thursday I will go for a long ride.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Cold in the Air

September 21, 2009

Fall has begun, at least in the early morning. When I left this morning at 6:30 for my ride the temperature was in the low 50s. A little nippy I might say. Once the sun got up a little it quickly got warmer. Today was the first ride that I was sluggish.I guess it was because I rode late in the day yesterday and early this morning. My back was not the best and even my quads were a little tight. But, I did my 40 miles and was in my home office by 10.

I have decided that I must do my core excerise at least 4 times a week to really get stronger in that area. I will also do push ups and quad strengthening excerises as those areas I believe have to be really fit. Looking forward to running tomorrow.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Family Time

September 19 and 20, 2009

This weekend was spent at my daughter's in Wayne,Pa outside of Philadelphia. In order to respect the time for my family I had to fit my biking in when time would allow. On Saturday I got up very early and did an easy 17 miles. Since it was the day after my first 60 miler I was interested to see how my body would feel. No problem. Felt good and nothing hurt. After the ride we left for my daughter's. Really enjoyed the day with my grand kids.

Since I like to ride in the mornings and have it beind me before the day begins, Sunday was a little challenge. I actually did something I am not used to. We were at my daughter's so Rene could baby sit her kids on Sunday morning while I took Dani to the Philadelphia Distance Run, a 1/2 marathon race she had entered. Not used to going to these big races and not running. A bit of a change. Dani did great and it was a perfect day and event. After the race I picked up Rene and we headed home. Now my mind starts to play tricks. I would get home around 2:15. Should run, should I take the day off and watch football, mind games. Actually the decision was easy. It was beautiful out and I really did want to bike. I went out and did 29 miles. Good effort and felt real relaxed on the bike.

So the totals for the week were my highest yet since I started training.

Total mileage: 189 miles
Total time on the bike: 12 hours

Feel really good and hopefully I will continue to raise the weekly totals. I am looking forward to couple of more good rides this week as the weather forecast is on the sunny side.


Friday, September 18, 2009

A New Level

September 17 and 18, 2009

Got busy yesterday and forgot to write my blog. Let me update what happened yesterday before I describe the good ride of today. Yesterday was an off day that I really enjoyed. After 6 days of biking a change in excerise was welcomed. As most of you know my first love is running. Yesterday I was able to get on the treadmill and simulate a hill workout. Ran for only 40 minutes but had a great workout. Before I ran I started to do weights to strengthen my quads. This I will do slowly. Started with two sets of ten at low weights and will work it up gradually.

Today I wanted to do my long ride for the week, since I will be visiting my daughter in Pennsylvania over the weekend. I have been stuck at 50 miles and my goal was to increase that. Got a real early start at sunrise, around 6:20. I road north to the end of Sandy Hook and than south to Manasquan and then back north to home. It was a 60 mile ride that took 3 hourd and 45 minutes. The best thing is that I did not hurt during the ride and when it was over I really felt good. So good I think I will play 9 holes of golf today. So far so good.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time for a Break

September 16, 2009

As the weather starts to get cooler, I am now more tuned to the forcast than ever before. I want to continue to ride outside as long as I can. When there is a day that is not cold or raining I am on my bike. Even though I was going to rest today, the weather was OK so I did an easy 20 miler. Kept my heart rate down and just enjoyed the outdoors. Will definitely take off tomorrow as the rains have come. Look forward to a long ride on Friday.

After meeting with my friend yesterday, I have decided to start to build up my quads by weight lifting. I will do that in conjunction with my core strength excerises. This is really becoming a "job". Not really but it indeed takes planning and time. If only I was 100% committed to retirement, it would be a breeze. But that is not the case yet. 6 straight days of riding. Never thought I would ever do that. Running no problem but biking! I like it.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

5 in a Row

September 15, 2009

Got up early this morning and was out the door by 6:20. It was a beautiful day and the wind was out of the west so it was not a problem. I really like the early morning rides. Very peaceful and quiet. I made it out to the end of Sandy Hook. Tried some new energy fuel. I have been taking the GU Gel when I do over two hours. Today a tried the GU Chomps. They are little pieces of energy food. Very sticky but taste sweet and have a good flavor. Believe they worked but I think I will use the Gels as my first source for an energy boost. I did 43 miles. This was the 5th straight day of riding which gave me 160 miles for the 5 days. Not huge but right now I am in the build up phase and I will try and increase the mileage about 10% every couple of weeks.

Had lunch with a good friend, Dick Cohen. Dick, when he was in his 40's, biked across the country and had one stretch of 20 staright days of 100+ miles. I talked to him about his experience, his training and how he mentally prepared. Great lunch and I came away feeling that this is something I can accomplish. Most important Dick believes I can do it.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Rest Day Turns into Bike Day

September 14, 2009

According to my schedule, I am supposed to rest or do alternate exercise on Monday and Thursday. But the weather was so nice outside and I wanted to see how I could ride after a 50 mile effort the day before. I went out and did an easy 20 miler. Felt good after the ride. Later in the day I felt my first discomfort since I started biking. Tenderness behind my left knee. I will ice it tonight and I believe it should be OK for tomorrow's ride.

I still have not gotten a set schedule for eating yet. After the 50 miler I am hungry all day. Ate the proper carbs a couple of hours after biking and soon after I am hungry again. Snacking on the proper food but it is amazing how you feel after burning 3000 calories on a ride. Imagine what I have to eat when I start doing 75 and 100 milers regularly. I have been reading about how to keep fueled up and I will figure it out.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Good Ride

September 13, 2009

I was looking forward to this day for a long time. It was going to show me where I was in my training. I road with Bruce, a friend of mine who is a good biker. He promised not to leave me behind. The two of us went out for a 50 miler. It was a perfect day, 65 and sunny. I accomplished several things. First, Bruce took me over some small rolling hills that I was able to navigate fine. Second the pace was a couple of miles per hour faster than I do by myself. Finally I was able to comfortable ride with my heart rate elevated about 10 bpm faster than I normally ride. For me great rde.

Understanding that I am not out to race my objective, I feel comfortable knowing that I can bike a good distance if I keep my heart rate aerobic most of the time. My goal now is to lenghten my long rides reaching 100 + a couple of times before the winter drives me inside. Good ride, good week. Looking forward to the coming week. Here are the totals for the week:
Total mileage: 161 miles
Total tim eon bike: 10 hours
Days rode: 5
Days ran: 2

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First time in the rain

September 12, 2009

I knew the day would come and it did. Having planned to bike today and wanting to keep my commitment, I left my home at 6:15 am in the pouring rain. I started slow because the roads were full of branches, leaves and who knows what from the huge storm and winds we had yesterday. As soon as I turned to head north I realized I made a mistake. The computer said the winds were out of the northeast. Surprise, they were out of the southeast. Easy ride out turned into a hard ride home. Got a break when the rains let up for part of the ride.

As I was approaching my home I heard that sound that I never want to hear. Slow hissing of air escaping from a tire. Must of been something I did not see on the road, punctured my front tube. With only 3 blocks to home, I walked my bike home instead of changing the tire in the rain. In the afternoon, I bot a better tire and with two new tires on my bike, I do not want to even think about flat tires.

Tomorrow I will be riding with Bruce, who is an experienced rider. We plan to do at least 50 miles. I am anxious to see where I am in my training. If all goes well I will attempt my first 100 miler by the end of the month.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Inside on the Trainer

September 11, 2009

It was really raining outside and the wind was blowing at about 40 mph so there was no way I was biking outside. I had enough of the wind at 15 mph, did not need to experience 40 mph. I set up my bike on the trainer and rode inside. Did not realize how much I liked it outside. I rode for 2 hours and did about 30 miles. I wonder how I am going to do 5 hours during the winter inside. I guess I will turn on the TV, watch a sports event and pedal. I can do it.

I have scheduled a ride for Sunday wth a good friend who is a great biker. Looking forward to it. I now will be able to see what kind of bike shape I am in after the ride. We will do between 50 and 60 miles at a pace faster than I am used to. I will give it my best and see where I am at in my training.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great Run

September 10, 2009

Today was a scheduled day off and I am using the two scheduled days of non biking to run as an alternative excercise. One of those days I will use to do hill intervals on the treadmill, the other will be a good pace run on a slight incline. Main goal is to use the treadmill to simulate hills so when on the bike and start hills, I will be prepared, hopefully. Today I did 5 intervals of 1/4s and 1/2s at level 5 on the treadmill, getting my heart rate up to 150 bpm. Pace was a 9 minute pace. Felt great after the workout. I guess I realized how much I miss running, my first love. But as long as I keep it in the program, all will be good.

I am starting to just make all this riding part of my life. In the beginning I was always thinking of what to do to prepare. Now I just let it happen. I am still in the process of ordering the proper amount of energy gels and drinks and bike clothes. Almost there.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Early Morning Ride

September 9, 2009

Got up real early in order to beat the rain. Today's schedule called for an easy ride. On the road by 6:15 am. Still windy but was able to enjoy a quick easy bike ride. Rode 20 miles in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Seems like I have found a schedule that will work. I am going to try and ride 5 days a week. Take Monday as an off day and run. Tuesday a 40 plus mileage day. Wednesday an easy day between 20 -25 miles. Thursday another off day to run and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday use to do my long rides at least 2 of the 3 days. Obviously I will watch the weather and be flexible but it seems like a plan that can allow me to build up the mileage over the next 6 to 8 weeks before I come indoors on the trainer.

In order to strengthen my back and core muscles I am going to spend 3 days a week really working on them. I believe that is the key for me to stay on the bike for a long time. I am also getting a massage every other week to keep my muscles loose. Actually off to get a massage right now.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wind, Wind and More Wind

September 8,2009

Good to get back on the bike again after a day off. Even though running is my first love, I am quickly getting to really enjoy the bike time. I got off to an early start today around 6:30 am and headed north along the shore. The wind again was really blowing out of the northeast. They say riding into the wind is like riding up hills. Since I have yet to start hill training I guess I am getting some basic hill training. Managed to get to Sandy Hook. On the Hook I get to ride 6 miles with no traffic and I am basically the only one riding. Peaceful and beautiful. The ride home was good. Had a tail wind and not many cars. Felt strong and only had a little back challenges along the way. Wound up doing 45 miles in 2 hours 45 minutes averaging about 16.2 mph. Really would like to get to the 4 hour mark on the bike. Will try and see if I am ready over the weekend.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Rest Day

September 7, 2009

Today is a rest day from the bike. But I still got in exercise. On my rest days I am going to run. Use the run on a treadmill and do hill intervals to get my heart rate anaerobic. Today I wanted to see how high I could get it. I have not been doing any intervals either running or on the bike so I was able to get it to only 157 beats per minute before I slowed down. Treadmill was at level 9 and I was at a 9 minute pace. Will watch and see what I can get it to. I did my core strengthening exercises and my push up routine. Have to speak to people about weight lifting, if it is necessary.

Felt good today. No soreness, had a good nights sleep and I am ready for my second week on the bike.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week One Complete

September 6, 2009

First week is in the books. This will not be easy. There is no doubt in my mind that the bikers who do the Tour de France and other multiple week races are the best athletes in the world. Some thoughts on the first week. First, I have to learn how to eat totally different. I am now aware of replenishing the nutrients I am losing. Have to make sure I get the proper carbs and protein back into my body. I have discovered that energy gels and energy drinks are a necessity on rides over 2 hours.

Proper sleep has to be maintained. I have been tired all day today for the first time. I did an easy morning ride of 17 miles making it 4 days in a row. But the cumulative effect has caught up with me. Might take a day off tomorrow and do my core exercises and run on the tread mill.

In regards to today's ride, the wind was blowing so hard that twice I almost got blown off my bike. I have to realize that if I have a strong wind off the ocean, I have to ride inland and stay out of a direct hit. Very scary.

Well, I am still on the bike for another week. Looking forward to biking with some other riders to see how that works out. Should make my long rides a little easier. Also waiting to experience my first day of biking in the rain. Here are the totals for the week:

Total Distance: 158 miles
Total Time on the bike: 10 hours
Days riding: 5 days


Saturday, September 5, 2009

This is not Easy

September 5, 2009

Another beautiful day. Looking forward to my third day in a row on the bike. Planned to due about 4 hours but that was a little to optimistic for this early in my training. Started getting use to the GU energy gel. Took one before I left and another about 25 miles into the ride. Worked out well. The only problem with today's ride was my back on the right side. Sciatica still a little problem. Overall it was a good ride. Did 50 miles in 3 hours and 5 minutes. I have yet to ride with anyone. All my rides have been alone. I guess it would be easier and go more quickly with another rider.

Today was the first day where I hit some bad spots and really wondered what I was doing. I simply said this was not easy and the task looked really challenging. But I hung in and after I felt OK. Actually two hours later I went out and played 9 wholes of golf. Not to well I might add. Anyway my goal was to ride 4 days in a row this week, so tomorrow I will go out for an early ride and see how I feel after that.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Easy Day Turns Tough

September 4, 2009

I was looking forward to an easy ride today. After the 42 miles I did yesterday, and easy 20 mile sounded great today. Had a choice as I reached the ocean go north or south first. The wind was blowing hard out of the north and I normally would have gone north first and then headed south for an easy ride home. Today, I decided to challenge the wind for some reason. Ride south was great. When I turned around it was a different story. A recovery ride turned into a constant push for 10 miles. It turned out to be a good practice in concentration. Wound up doing 22 miles and feeling OK. I am off to play golf later with my son in law. Golf sometimes is harder on me than a long bike ride. It is all about my back!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

One with the Bike

September 3, 2009

I was able to finish my ride today without a flat tire. Did 42 miles early in the morning. Took about 2 1/2 hours. Weather was sunny, cool low 60s but had a head wind going out. Today I really began to feel the bike as part of me. All one machine. When I go out now, 40 miles seems like the short distance. I really have no problem with that. It used to be 20 miles. Looking forward to getting up to 4 hours on a ride. Might try that this weekend. Now I have to figure out my eating patterns. Need to keep fuel in my body. This is all new but I will get it correct.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Day

September 2,20009

When I began thinking about this challenge, I got carried away. My first thoughts were that I would work out all the time and my family would come second to the training. Then while riding yesterday, I realized that it just could not be that way. I had to make sure that I fit both family, training and business into my schedule. It could be tough but with the support of Rene, I know it will work out.

Today was a family day. After spending time with my parents, father in law, daughter and grandson, I was able to get home and do some business work and my core strength exercises. After my challenging ride yesterday, I am looking forward to a good 40+ miles tomorrow morning and some longer rides over the holiday weekend.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a 1st Day of Training!

September 1,2009

I was really excited to get up and officially start my first day of my journey. The weather was beautiful, low 60s and sunny. Since the wind was really blowing out of the north at about 12-15 miles per hour I decided to ride north first and have the wind to my back coming home. With the wind really blowing it was a struggle. Finally made it to Sandy Hook and the next six miles was perfect. No cars, wind not to bad, and what a ride should be about. As I started home across the bridge, I heard the dreaded sound of air leaving my tire. A flat, what a bummer on my first day. Took a deep breath and started to fix it. 15 minutes later I was back on the road. Within 10minutes I heard the sound again. A second flat. Is someone telling me something? No more spare tubes, so I called my wife and she came and got me. I started out on a 45 mile ride at 6:30 am. Now I was done at only 27 miles. Rene was a good sport when she picked me up. Hopefully all my flats will be done for a while. Went to the bike shop and had a lesson to made sure I was putting the tires on properly.

What a way to begin. This won't be easy but I will make it fun and enjoy the journey. Tomorrow is another day to look forward to. This is going to be exciting.
