Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Good Ride

September 13, 2009

I was looking forward to this day for a long time. It was going to show me where I was in my training. I road with Bruce, a friend of mine who is a good biker. He promised not to leave me behind. The two of us went out for a 50 miler. It was a perfect day, 65 and sunny. I accomplished several things. First, Bruce took me over some small rolling hills that I was able to navigate fine. Second the pace was a couple of miles per hour faster than I do by myself. Finally I was able to comfortable ride with my heart rate elevated about 10 bpm faster than I normally ride. For me great rde.

Understanding that I am not out to race my objective, I feel comfortable knowing that I can bike a good distance if I keep my heart rate aerobic most of the time. My goal now is to lenghten my long rides reaching 100 + a couple of times before the winter drives me inside. Good ride, good week. Looking forward to the coming week. Here are the totals for the week:
Total mileage: 161 miles
Total tim eon bike: 10 hours
Days rode: 5
Days ran: 2

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