Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Can Do This

April 24,2010,

I must be frank with you, after the last two days riding I was beginning to question myself. Could I really do this? I struggled on Thursday and an easy ride on Friday that I was not really happy with. I was hurting, my back was hurting and doubts arose. Today I got up and started riding while it was still cool but I just had to get out. I wanted to ride long. But I did something different. I kept the chain in the small ring the whole ride. Even though I used the three hardest of those gears on the small ring, something great happened. My back did not hurt and I was still able to maintain a good pace. There is no need to really push it by using the big ring if it is not needed. When I finished I felt great and could have gone on for several more hours I believe.

As will happen with all challenging goals, you go thru ups and downs as you move forward. What you have to have to succeed above everything else is belief that you can succeed. I have always had it but I needed to see proof. Today I finally got it and my confidence has grown. What do all the great athletes have, belief that they will succeed no more what. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, never question their belief in themselves. It is a given. They will succeed. And they do whatever it takes to make that happen. I know this is not going to be easy, but I believe in my ability to make this happen.

Crunches: 300
Push ups: 50

Total Distance: 81 miles
Total Time: 5 hour and 32 minutes


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