Friday, May 28, 2010

I Struggled Today

May 28, 2010,

I don't know why but today was a struggle. Maybe because I was in New York City late last night. Maybe because my weight is getting down to around 140. Maybe the strong southeast wind got the best of me today. Who knows but it was not the best ride I have had. The good thing is that I finished it. After, I came back and had a big lunch to try and get some weight back on. The next 3 days are Memorial Weekend. Sunday and Monday are supposed to be sunny and hot. I am going to try and go real long one Sunday and follow it up with another long ride on Monday. After that it is only one month till the event. I am starting to get antsy waiting for this to begin.

Crunches: 300
Push ups: 50

Total Distance: 50 miles
Total time; 3 hours and 19 minutes


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