Sunday, March 21, 2010

My First and Last Fall

March 21, 2010,

After I good long ride yesterday, I was looking forward to a nice recovery ride of several hours today. The weather was cool as I left early. Sunny and the wind was not to bad. With the temperature due to rise during my ride I thought I might even do a 4 hour ride. Went north and made it to Rumson. Felt like riding thru Rumson. Some small inclines, no traffic and beautiful homes to look at. As I went down a steep incline I slowed down as I had to make a U-turn at the end of the street. Street really narrowed at the bottom. As I began to turn I realized I would not make the turn fast enough. I was heading for the curb. Crash. Fell down on my side and my shoulder landed on the grass. My left thumb get caught under the weight of my body and was hurt. Quickly got up to see the damage. Going at a crawl, there was no damage to my bike. My right shoulder was a little sore. Small cut on my chin. The most damage was my thumb. Went home and iced it and we shall see. It does not seem broken, just badly strained.

You worry about crashing and then this silly thing happens.The ride was OK but I headed home after the "fall". Legs felt strong after yesterday's ride and I look forward to more real long rides outside in the near future.

Crunches: 300
Push ups: 50

Total Distance: 39 miles
Total time: 2 hours and 17 minutes

Total Weekly Distance: 239 miles
Total Weekly Time: 15 hours and 55 minutes


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